Monday, February 04, 2008

Week 4-Barker, Chapter 7 (Enter Postmodernism):

Living within a society that values change (whether that relates to economic growth, politics, or social structures) at some level we find ourselves in the midst of time that seeks to find identity and functionality. Modernism (as described by Barker) is a "structure of feeling" that involves pace, change, ambiguity, risk, and more. Further, many modernists have concluded we live in a world that is "trying to find itself" and trying to find a sense of meaning. Then the movement into postmodernism suggests that this is a time of transition of economics, social, and cultural patterns that will shape our future. When I read about it artistic movements and these concepts (modernism/postmodernism) I can't help but wonder what am I doing to contribute to this radically-changing world for the kingdom of God, for people in search of higher truths and realities? 

*further thoughts*
Wow. Culture movements, language movements, social patterns, search of meaning; I feel as though I'm Waldo (in Where's Waldo?) in the midst of so many things happening, but just another person standing around wondering what to do next. Wonder, meaning, journey, and adventure are words that resonated within my soul while reading this material.


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