Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week 3-Cobb, Chapter 3 (Theology and Culture)

When we think about cultural studies with theological reflection, we must note the importance of how complex an issue this may be, but that's what brings questions, more thoughts, and more conversations about theology and culture. When we study culture with a theological perspective we must be sensitive to all cultural elements involved. Cobb notes from Anthony Pinn, "Cultural studies directs us to understand that a fuller appreciation of the vital and complex life of a society requires an examination of the semiotic guerilla tactics of its subcultures..." I couldn't agree more with this thought because as society changes and evolves we must observe the movements that are happening and act accordingly. This even rings true with the theology of culture, the language and the movement of culture could be so radical we must understand what God is doing, what God has prepared and preparing, so followers of Jesus can serve and share God's story. Even with our theological reflection and theology of culture observations, we realize people within our society are pursuing other things for happiness and we need to be aware of that and show people what it means to find happiness in God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I responded to your blog.-Harmony

11:24 PM  

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