Saturday, January 26, 2008

Week 3-Barker, Chapter 5 (Biology, Evolution, and Culture)

Science and culture? One may suggest that these topics have nothing to do with each other, however Barker has explored the side of Science and the side of Culture and has found there are many significant attributes within Science that have effects within Culture. Further, Bevans argues the physical, mental, and emotional state of individuals in culture and how that has been affected and ultimately effects not only other individuals, but the movement within a culture, the language, the alienation of other people, and so on. Historically, people have made decisions that seemed correct within a particular culture in that context that and Barker suggests that the development of our brains have actually created a foundation for culture and has evolved greatly. Solutions, conflict, cultural development, expectations, are all resulting from our competitive nature as people looking to change, develop, and create something new within our culture or even to fight for traditional movements and languages. 


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