Thursday, January 17, 2008

Week 2-Bevans-Ch. 2:

What are some of the key issues when doing contextual theology? The question that arose from this chapter. Bevans had some great insight when we focus in on the "contextualization" of theology. When he recommended if one were to do a theological reflection of a particular culture within it's context he turned to Krikor Haleblian, as he suggested "the believing community in each culture must take ultimate responsibility for contextualizing the gospel, but there is a place and a need for professionals..." I couldn't agree more. We have such a narrow lens to look through when contextualizing culture and theology. And when we study cultures outside our "natural environment" we have perspectives and opinions that may be completely incorrect, however as Bevans suggested, with good research and study within the context of a particular culture and understanding a culture's language and movements, we may have the opportunity to evaluate further. Also, I pose this question, how much have we mixed Christianity and culture together to the point that we have lost the true identity of Christ and the Scriptures? 


Blogger Unknown said...

"I pose this question, how much have we mixed Christianity and culture together to the point that we have lost the true identity of Christ and the Scriptures?"

It's a good question, but one more poignant would be is there any "true identity of Christ and the Scriptures" that isn't already bound up in our particular cultures and traditions?

7:08 PM  

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