Saturday, February 23, 2008

Week 7-Cobb, Chapter 7 (Sin)

As the old saying, "We live in a fallen world," certainly rings true in our culture today and some have even suggested this generation has been the most effected and continues to feel the ramifications of this fallen world. Oh the paradise we could have lived in, however the reality of it all is that we live in this world and it is up to us (humanity) how we will exist for the rest of our lives. I pose this question, have we lost "paradise"? We have breathe, the opportunity to be creative, study, write, draw, travel, read, interact with people, and connect with nature. Some may suggest we do live in a paradise and others say you can only experience paradise if you travel to a remote island. Further, I think what we do here and now, as Cobb referenced Micah: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God," described, will determine how we live now and how we will live for years to come. Sin has brought many into serious turmoil and others to live as though they are going to a funeral everyday of their life. We have a generation of people who desire to be set apart and have nothing to do with God or other human beings. How will we be a movement of people who walk humbly with God for other human beings who seek meaning in a world that is dirty, broken, and full of pain?

*Further thoughts* As described in Cobb, Gothic individuals, are people who think of this life as a waste, no meaning, no reason, no purpose, and no feeling experience hurt, pain, and brokenness. Interesting though, many people share those same feelings, but maybe aren't willing to express those emotions as Gothics. Now, the Gothic style is much more than wearing black or wearing makeup, to some it is the influence of books, movies, and music. Further, Cobb describes the Gothic style as separation...from society and from God. This was only one subculture described in this chapter, but there are many people who share these same expressions, interests, and influences. What will we do to help and influence others for the sake of Christ?


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